Locations > New York City
New York City

New York City has always been a battleground for Mob activity, and one of the most violent next to Chicago. While Chicago was sometimes more notorious, New York has always had the highest concentration of mobsters and gangsters of all ethnic origins. This was because the main entry point, and final destination for many immigrants was by way of Ellis Island and the city of New York itself.
Most Italian immigrants were forced to settle in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, a slum compared to what it is nowadays.
Tammany Hall
Nothing in New York occurred politically without the support of Tammany Hall. However every once in a while they needed some hoodlums to break up a political rally or perform some kind of other physical disruption. This was when the political machine would rely orders through Arnold Rothstein to the various small time local gangs.

Tammany Hall 1868 Democratic Convention
Started by Aaron Burr (the guy who dueled and killed Alexander Hamilton) who ruled from 1797 to the 20th century, the political machine obtained the height of its power right before the era of Prohibition. Regardless, this was an important facet of New York life that was also very influential of how and why gangsters were like they were at the turn of the century.
Learn more about Tammany Hall here.
Prohibition Era
In 1898, the modern City of New York was formed with the consolidation of Brooklyn (until then an independent city), Manhattan and outlying areas.[28] Manhattan and the Bronx were established as two separate boroughs and joined together with three other boroughs created from parts of adjacent counties to form the new municipal government originally called "Greater New York". The Borough of Brooklyn incorporated the independent City of Brooklyn, recently joined to Manhattan by the Brooklyn Bridge; the Borough of Queens was created from western Queens County (with the remnant established as Nassau County in 1899); and The Borough of Richmond contained all of Richmond County. Municipal governments contained within the boroughs were abolished, and the county governmental functions were absorbed by the City or each borough.[29] In 1914, the New York State Legislature created Bronx County, making five counties coterminous with the five boroughs.Great Depression